If you have a railgun shot already charged, it can help, but this is usually one duel you will want to avoid. Due to Pharah’s ability to stay airborne and attack from longer ranges, it is very difficult to land your primary shots on her. What characters counter SojournĪnother Damage class Sojourn really struggles with is Pharah. so coordinate with your Support heroes to stay healthy. Stay in on the action, always be mobile, and remember that she has no way to heal herself. While it isn’t useless to engage from longer ranges, know that Sojourn’s attacks are not hit-scan, meaning they have travel time and can be dodged. Here you can most effectively land your primary shots and then finish off weakened opponents with a precise railgun shot. Instead, focus on laying down primary fire, sliding to stay mobile and avoid damage yourself, and building up your railgun charge. The Disruptor Shot is your only other real offensive option, though it has quite a long cooldown and isn’t likely to get any eliminations on its own. When picking Sojourn, you are going to be on the front lines of battle and relying heavily on your ability to land shots with your primary weapon. Plus, when you do let off a railgun bolt, it will also be buffed to pierce enemies, meaning you can hit multiple targets if they’re fortunate enough to line up for you. When activated, Sojourn’s secondary railgun shot will automatically charge over time, regardless of whether or not you’re landing regular shots. Overclock: Sojourn’s ultimate is a little underwhelming when described, but is very potent in the right hands. If an enemy is within the zone for the entire duration, it will deal about 200 damage. On top of that, if you jump before the slide ends you will get a super-jump of sorts.ĭisruptor Shot: This special shot launches an energy projectile that will create a field wherever it lands that slows and deals a little damage over time to any enemies inside it, making it great for area denial. Power Slide: We touched on this skill a bit, but what it does is let Sojourn slide along the ground, similar to a slide in other FPS games like Apex Legends, but instead of slowing down, she gains speed thanks to her mechanical legs having thrusters. Using this skill often, but also being able to still land your shots, is key to doing well with Sojourn. To help keep Sojourn not only mobile but a more slippery target is her Power Slide, which you can use to dip in and out of fights, get to advantageous positions on the map, or just speed up your basic movement. Modern Warfare 2: Atomgrad Episode 2 Raid GuideĬhimera MW2: How to unlock the Chimera and best loadout Ark 2: release date speculation, platforms, trailers, gameplay, and more