I do not need to ask, which movie they have been watching. All of them have been crying, one still is. The first thing I see as I enter the cinema is a group of girls. Augustus does not hold back with his affection for Hazel and becomes her partner in their quest for reassurance that love is possible despite death and a short life can be meaningful. Augustus had osteosarcoma, his right leg is missing, but is in remission now. Still, it is there that she now meets Augustus Waters (charming, 1,93 m tall, comforting, teddybear-like creature Ansel Elgort).

One thing Hazel deeply dislikes is the cancer support group. Anna’s story is to a certain extend her story. She has thyroid cancer that has spread into her lungs and although she is relatively stable at the moment it seems clear that she will one day die of her illness. The reason for Hazel’s search for answers is as simple as sad. All attempts, though, to reach Peter van Houten, the author,have been without success. Hazel has to know what happens to those who survived. Hazel Grace Lancaster (stunningly beautiful and talented Shailene Woodley) is obsessed with An Imperial Affliction, a book told by first-person narrator and cancer patient Anna. A movie that demands to be felt – a review